Morning Sickness Cures

Morning sickness is one of the most common complaints in pregnancy with up to 80% of all pregnant women. Although there are no magical morning sickness cures there are several different effective methods that may give you some much needed relief. No remedy will work for every woman, but you may find one that will work for your specific situation.
The first category of morning sickness cures is the food and drink category. Peppermint or chamomile tea has some anti-nausea properties. Eating some crackers or potato chips before getting out of bed has been found to be helpful to some women. Vit. B6, 50 mg per day has been found to alleviate nausea as well. There is an herbal remedy called Morning Sickness Magic that combines vitamin B6 with red raspberry leaf and ginger. Another food remedy is crystallized ginger. If you suck on this candy it can help to make the nausea pass.
The next category of morning sickness remedies are lifestyle changes. Getting out of bed very slowly has been shown to help, as well as eating small frequent meals throughout the days, about every two hours. Some women have more success with eating high carbohydrate meals, while other women get relief from high protein meals. Eating something salty before your main meal may help. Cool fresh air has been shown to help some women, as well as making sure not to get too warm.
The smell of food may be a trigger for nausea in some women. In order to avoid strong smells open windows and turn on exhaust fans when cooking. You can also avoid the smells of food by eating your meals cold, they will have less of a smell that way. Try to avoid the seafood area of your grocery store, it is often a trigger for nausea.
If none of these remedies seem to be working and you are having a hard time keeping down any food or water a prescription medication may become necessary. Prescription nausea medication works by quieting and slowing down the digestive tract. It is effective for most women, but unfortunately, it does not come without side effects. Severe constipation is usually the main side effect and may take active management to control. Talk with your doctor if you feel that regular morning sickness cures are not helping you enough.
Morning sickness is definitely a tough road to travel, thankfully, it is temporary. Try the morning sickness cures listed above and you will most likely find relief from some of your symptoms. But remember to talk to your doctor if you symptoms remain extreme.